So, most of you know that keeping up with diary/planners entries is kinda difficult 4me...So committing to blogging might not be easy... Since you & I are on different time zones, and 'm having difficulties connecting to skype and have been no too good at emailing lately... blogging seems to be the next best thing...

Ok, ustedes ya saben que ni llevar agendas, ni hacer planificación diaria son mi fuerte; así que 'blogging' pueda que no sea algo que pueda mantener por mucho tiempo... Pero lo voy a intentar para compensar las horas de diferencia y el no poder conectarme a skyope o enviar 'emails' con cierta regularidad...

Jul 13, 2011

Aloha ^.^

Ok, 2 semanas ya en Malasia y por fin termine todo el papeleo burocrático... Tal vez sea el calor, pero aquí todo es lento. Nadie se apura por nada :)... En el complejo residencial donde vivo, la conexión de internet no funciona desde la semana pasada y aun no tengo móvil -_ es que no me he decidido entre Nokia o Iphone4 ni tampoco plan me convendría mejor...  Y por eso es que no les he escrito o contestado?  Pero  GRACIAS por sus mensajes! Se me ocurrió que podía darle uso a este blog para comunicarme con ustedes  (✿◠‿◠) ... Bueno les cuento que Malasia tiene muchos contrastes y se siente que como estar en una selva 'urbanizada'. Hasta ahora no he tenido mayor dificultad adaptandome la cultura malaya excepto por el calor pegajoso, las oraciones y cantos de la mezquita a las 5.30 am y a las 9pm -no estoy a aquí para las otras 4 llamadas del día y la comida. La comida malaya es en base a productos lácteos y carnes rojas, totalmente trágico para mi porque yo no consumo lácteos ni carnes ».«! ... Ciao, :*)

Goodness me! 2 weeks already since i got to Malaysia, time flies... I finally finished all the paper work at the international affairs office, the registrar and the health centre. I noticed that things go on a slow pace here...  Guess what! I have no internet connection! -how many times have you heard me saying that?! LOL! … But every time it has been true!  Only this time, I have no mobile either - _ i know, I should have gotten one already. The thing is that I can't decide between a Nokia and an Iphone4, plus I don't really know what plan will be better for me -So that will take some time... Meanwhile, I’m disconnected from the word after working hours! … Since it is the summer term, everything on campus shuts down by 6pm and I cannot stay late at the institute to catch up on emails or chat with you cos I won't have a ride to go home. So, see that is why i have not been in touch!  I'm alive and well; THANKS for all your emails and messages!  Between the time difference, the summer term time tables and the poor -and now non-existent- internet access at my place, it's not possible for me to reply to all of you.  That is why I will attempt to use this blog to communicate with you (✿◠‿◠) … Well, so far Malaysia is ok except for the humid weather, the university mosque loud praying calls & service at 5.30 am and 9pm -I’m not around for the other 4! and the food! Malaysian food is based on dairies and red meat neither of which I consume - ».« tragic!!!...   bye 4 now, XOXO

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