So, most of you know that keeping up with diary/planners entries is kinda difficult 4me...So committing to blogging might not be easy... Since you & I are on different time zones, and 'm having difficulties connecting to skype and have been no too good at emailing lately... blogging seems to be the next best thing...

Ok, ustedes ya saben que ni llevar agendas, ni hacer planificación diaria son mi fuerte; así que 'blogging' pueda que no sea algo que pueda mantener por mucho tiempo... Pero lo voy a intentar para compensar las horas de diferencia y el no poder conectarme a skyope o enviar 'emails' con cierta regularidad...

Sep 18, 2010


 ... So, at the moment my ego is wounded and m in shock ... After I was dragged to pointless argument by a christian friend of mine, I was "banished"... It all started with me answering a silly question about yoga. “Do you know what Namaste really mean?” my friend asked. And I stupidly reply “salutation to the Primal being”… And somehow my answer lead to a lecturer on how yoga and meditation were practices against god, how my life style needed a 'make over ' and to the questioning of my family's commitment to god (?!). So, apparently not only meditation and yoga are evil, but also my free spirited nature will destroy me (?!) Well, I did not to laugh, but politely asked this person to drop the nonsense and to back off. She did not! And instead she started to point out the dangers of not accepting her help and being blind to the "truth" (?). My reply was that I simply could not deal with her arrogance and ignorance and asked her to point her silly crusade somewhere else.  Of course, this christian person got offended by my "arrogant and presumptuous" reply –which according to her, was insulting to god. Finally the persecution and salvation attempt stopped. Of course, I still had to listen to this self-labeled good christian's story about how she prayed to her god to be released from her duty of saving me (?!). Then she banished me quoiting the bible (!) and of course her disgruntle lecture ended with “god bless you” … I'm still in shock!  I've been "banished". I did not know that was even possible in our modern society.  My ego is wounded and I’m confused! ...